In May of 1982, during a frosty exchange on the high seas, the British Navy sent the General Belgrano to a watery grave. Which country had the unfortunate honor of losing this ship, forever altering their naval headcount?
Question 2 of 10
In a battle of arithmetic befuddlement, can you calculate the exact duration of the so-called 21 Year War that unfolded between Sweden and Russia, or did they manage to sneak in a few extra years for dramatic effect?
Question 3 of 10
In the world of television, which genre is Sir David Attenborough most likely to dominate like a lion ruling over the savanna?
Question 4 of 10
In which year did the grand finale of World War II take place, marking the end of global chaos and the beginning of peace negotiations over who got the last piece of victory cake?
Question 5 of 10
At what age did the beloved Princess Diana tragically become a part of history due to a car crash, leaving the world to remember her timeless legacy?
Question 6 of 10
During World War I, what bold and vibrant color did the legendary German ace pilot Manfred von Richthofen choose to paint his aircraft, ensuring he was as noticeable in the sky as a peacock at a penguin party?
Question 7 of 10
In the grand tapestry of ancient scripts, which civilization proudly etched their stories and shopping lists using the intricate art of hieroglyphs?
Question 8 of 10
On October 12, 1984, Patrick Magee, an IRA member with a flair for mischief and mayhem, decided to give the Grand Hotel in Brighton a rather explosive makeover. While his handiwork sadly resulted in the loss of five lives, the person he was really hoping
Question 9 of 10
In the great culinary caper of 2013, which unsuspecting type of meat galloped its way into scandalous headlines, leaving burger lovers around the world neighing in disbelief?
Question 10 of 10
In the year 1989, amidst the vibrant chaos of European history, which of the following monumental events took place, forever altering the continent's narrative and perhaps even prompting spontaneous bouts of interpretive dance from historians?
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